Laugh uncontrollably every time you use a public restroom or every time you go to the movies?, Be a miserable genius or a super happy idiot?, Have only two long yellow front teeth like a beaver or no teeth at all?, Only be able to whisper or only be able to shout?, Always feel like you have to sneeze or always feel like your have to poop?, Drink a cup of toilet water or drink a liter of hot sauce?, Always be an hour early or an hour late?, Have a bright red nose or a bright red bottom?, Shave a grizzly bear or brush an alligator's teeth?, Have bananas for fingers or bananas for toes?, Be the lead singer of a terrible band or the star of a terrible movie?, Be angrily yelled at by everyone you know for a day or be completely ignored for a week?, Look like a horse or be a horse?, Always feel sleepy or always feel hungry?, Eat everything with chopsticks or with your bare hands?, Have bad breath or stinky armpits for the rest of your life?, Have stripes like a zebra or a pouch like a kangaroo?, Have a terrible friend or be a terrible friend?, Chew sand for an hour or eat 20 lemons?, Have a horse sneeze in your face or an elephant trumpet in your ear?, Have snakes for hair or snakes for fingers?, Legally change your last name to "Pooper" or never eat pizza again?, Have noisy neighbors or nosey neighbors?, Be half your height or double your weight?, Forget how to walk or forget how to talk?, Have a nightmare every night or never dream again?, Be a clumsy ninja or a wizard with amnesia?, Have very fat arms and skinny legs or very fat legs and skinny arms?, Go a month without internet or go a month without bathing?, Be stung by 1,000 bees or eat 1,000 bees?, Pass gas really loud in public or poop your pants silently in public?, Be bored all the time or have entirely too much to do?, Have a dog with a cats personality or a cat with a dog’s personality?, Sleep in a doghouse every night for a week or stay awake up for three days?, Read a one-thousand page book about yourself or write a one-thousand page book about yourself?, Only be able to speak in movie quotes or only be able to speak in rhymes?, Look like a skunk but smell like vanilla or smell like a skunk and be very attractive?, Have short arms like a tyrannosaurus rex or long arms like a gorilla?, Be stranded in the desert wearing a fur coat with a broken zipper or stranded in the arctic tundra wearing nothing but a bathing suit., Forget how to dress yourself or forget how to blow your nose?, Would you rather look like Spongebob or laugh like Spongebob for the rest of your life?, Bathe with soap that smells like poop or with poop that smells like soap?, Share a toothbrush with a total stranger or sit in their lap for an hour?, Have your face tattooed to permanently look like a clown or a zombie?, Squirt lemon juice in your eyes or eat a whole ghost pepper?.


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