: What invention or discovery do you consider a true game changer in human history, and why?, Have you ever been to an auction and made a bid?, Have you ever been conflicted about a decision you had to make? How did you deal with those conflicting feelings?, Black Friday sales can sometimes turn into a stampede! Have you ever been caught in a crowded situation? How did you handle it?, What experiences have you had that have really stood out to you in your life?, Do you find that hurtful comments get to you? How can we protect ourselves against hurtful comments without making ourselves feel numb?, Do you find it tempting to stuff yourself when faced with your favourite foods, or is it easy for you to stop when you feel full? Do you eat to live, or live to eat?, When you need to make a decision, do you carefully go through the pros and cons, or do you trust your intuition?, How might AI (Artificial Intelligence) radically disrupt our lives in the future? What are your feelings about AI?, Sometimes therapy can help bring to the surface underlying issues. Do you think talking to a therapist is beneficial? Why or why not?, What are the biggest drivers of climate change? What can we do to reverse the effects?, The vast majority of people use social media. Do you think social media has a positive or negative impact on society? Why?, Have you ever been hit on in a way that made you feel uncomfortable? How did you handle the situation?, Even after a big argument, some couples can just carry on like nothing happened. Do you think this is healthy? Why or why not?, Do you agree with Johann Hari that the benefits of Ozempic seem to outweigh the drawbacks?, Social media arguments can sometimes blow up way out of proportion. What are some strategies for having productive online discussions?, Mental health issues can still be stigmatizing. How can we work to break down the stigma?, Are there any activities that you would like to sign up for in the future? Have you ever signed up for a class or activity and regretted it?,

SPEAKING: Vocabulary from The Rise And Controversy Of Wonderdrug Ozempic


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