1) They ____________ on vacation next week. (plan or intention) a) are not going to go b) won't go c) not going to go 2) ____ she ______ her homework after school? (asking for plan or intention) a) Does; going to do b) Is; going c) Is; going to do 3) No, he ________________.  (short answer) a) not going to do b) isn't c) is going to do d) is not 4) We ____________ a party for her birthday. (plan or intention) a) are going to have b) going to have c) are going have 5) _____ they _____________ a new dog? (Asking for plan intention) a) Is; going to get b) Are; going c) Are; going to get 6) Yes, they ________________. (short answer) a) are going to get b) going to get c) are 7) ____ you _____________ your friend tomorrow? (asking for plan or intention) a) Is; going to visit b) Are; going c) Are; going to visit 8) Yes, I ________________. (short answer) a) am going visit b) going to visit c) am 9) They ________________ in the race tomorrow (plan or intention) a) are going to run b) going to run c) are going run 10) ______ she _____________ her new car tomorrow? (asking for plan or intention) a) Is; going b) Does; going to drive c) Is; going to drive 11) Look at those clouds. It's ______________ soon (Evidence-based predictions) a) going to rain b) is going rain c) is going to rain 12) They ________________ to the camping tomorrow. (plan or intention) a) won't go b) aren't going to go c) not going to go 13) _____ you _____________ your mom next weekend? (asking for plan or intention) a) Are; going to visit b) Is; going to visit c) Are; going 14) We ________________ to Japan next month. (plan or intention) a) are going to have b) going to have c) are going to travel 15) We ____________ to the teacher his Twitch channel next class. (plan or intention) a) going to ask b) are going to ask c) asking

Be + going to (all forms) Quiz 1 Module 4


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