1) The voice box in the throat: for a boy this gets bigger at puberty and his voice becomes deeper a) Hormones b) Larynx c) Mouth d) Neck 2) A period of rapid growth which can happen for boys and girls some time during puberty - can mean growing out of shoes and clothes very quickly clothes very quickly a) Growth Spurt b) Toddler c) Old Age d) Adulthood 3) Chemicals in the bloodstream which tell various organs in the body when and how to change during puberty a) Hormones b) Fibre c) Nutrients d) Food 4) Hair that starts growing on a boy’s face during puberty - if not shaved, it will grow into a moustache and beard a) Voice Deepens b) Growth Spurt c) Facial Hair d) Pubic Hair 5) Two balls of tiny coiled tubes where sperm are made - they hang between a man’s legs in a bag of skin called the scrotum a) Ovaries b) Sperm c) Vagina d) Testicles or Testes 6) Tiny cells made in a man’s testicles: if one joins with a woman’s egg it will start to grow into a baby a) Vagina b) Sperm c) Penis d) Testicles 7) A milky liquid in which the sperm are mixed when they are released from a man’s body through the penis a) Sperm b) Urine c) Faeces d) Semen

Jigsaw - The Great Growing up Adventure


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