1) Infinitive or gerund? Sam offered _____________ Lina with Maths. a) to help b) helping c) help d) to helped e) is helping 2) Infinitive or gerund? I enjoy _____________ a bicycle by the seaside. a) to ride b) ride c) to rode d) riding e) is riding 3) Infinitive or gerund? He goes to evening classes _____________ Italian. a) learn b) learning c) to learn d) to be learnt e) is learning 4) Infinitive or gerund? Please, stop _____________ that noise! a) was making b) to be made c) to make d) make e) making 5) Infinitive or gerund? Would you like _____________ to a party tonight? a) go b) to go c) gone d) to be going e) to going 6) Infinitive or gerund? Tonight I’m planning _____________ about American history. a) to reading b) to be reading c) reading d) to read e) read 7) Infinitive or gerund? He needs _____________, he’s tired. a) to relax b) relax c) relaxing d) to be relaxing e) to relaxing 8) Infinitive or gerund? I promise _____________ your secret to anyone. a) no be telling b) don’t tell c) to not tell d) not to tell e) to not telling 9) Infinitive or gerund? He hates _____________ up early. a) to wakling b) be waking c) wake d) to wake e) waking 10) Infinitive or gerund? He hates _____________ up early. a) to cooking b) cooking c) to cook d) cook e) to be cooking 11) Infinitive or gerund? He hates _____________ up early. a) talk b) to talking c) to talk d) talking e) to be talking 12) If you heat ice, it___ a) is melting b) melts c) will melt d) would melt e) melt 13) Zhanserik is ___ than his brother, he never helps with the chores a) more lazy b) lazy c) laziest d) lazier e) the most lazy 14) Arsen is ___ than his brother. a) the most handsome b) most handsome c) handsome d) handsomer e) more handsome 15) _____ three languages: French, Spanish, and English. a) I speaking b) I speak c) I’m speaking d) I speaks e) I’m speak

english 3


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