先 - first,in advance, 搬家 - move to a new home, 帮忙/帮 - help, 照顾 - take care of, 清楚 - clear, 银行 - bank, 马上 - immediately, 同事** - colleague, 周末 - weekend, 带伞 - bring umbrella, 公园 - park, 手机 - phone, 桌子 - table, 方便 - convenient, 其实** - actually, 感冒** - catch a cold, 附近 - nearby, 舒服 - comfortable, 小心 - careful, 聪明 - smart, 重要 - important, 九点一刻 - 9:15, 一直 - all the time, 欢迎 - welcome, 努力 - hard-working, 经理 - manager, 满意 - satisfied, 新鲜 - fresh, 差点儿 - nearly,almost, 几乎 - almost,

17.May HSK3 L1-10 High Frequency Exam Vocabulary(1)


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