focus group - grupa dyskusyjna, self-administered questionnaire (SAQ) - a questionnaire completed by a respondent without assistance of researchers, interviewer-administered questionnaire (IAQ) - questionnaire completed in presence of interviewer, on behalf of sb - w imieniu kogoś, mystery shopping - praca tajemniczego klienta, omnibus survey - research where they collect data on a wide variety of subjects during the same interview, R&D - research and development, in-house - research conducted by the company itself, not an agency, clinical trials - badania kliniczne, distribution research - badanie dystrybucji danego produktu (sprzedaży i logistyki), exploratory research - badania odkrywcze (to clarify the exact nature of the problem to be solved), marketing communications research - research related to the techniques that a company uses to promote their products, pricing research - research connected to change in prices with demand for the product, market share - the % of total sales in the indutry that a company generates, profit and loss acount - rachunek zysków i strat, market acceptance - a measure by which it is seen whether the product or service is satisfying a large customer base so as to continue or increase its current production, product research - research on desired characteristics of a product or service to match the needs of customers, bias - odchylenie, subject - badany, target marketing - marketing docelowy (do konkretnej grupy docelowej),

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