1) School in French a) eglise b) cinema c) cafe d) bibiliotheque e) ecole f) gare 2) Train station in French a) cafe b) eglise c) ecole d) pharmacie e) restaurant f) gare 3) Hospital in French a) hopital b) hotel c) cafe d) gare e) ecole f) eglise 4) Stadium in French a) eglise b) ecole c) stade d) gare de bus e) gare f) reataurant 5) Church in French a) eglise b) cafe c) ecole d) hopital e) gare f) restaurant 6) Library in French a) banque b) bibiliotheque c) hotel d) poste e) restaurant f) cafe 7) Pool in French a) piscine b) bibiliotheque c) gare d) restauranr e) appartment f) banque 8) House in french a) bibiliotheque b) cafe c) banque d) maison e) restaurant f) piscine 9) Bakery in French a) bibiliotheque  b) banque c) boulangerie d) musee e) chateau f) magasin 10) Store in French a) boulangerie b) bibiliotheque c) cinema d) magasin e) hopital f) café

Les lieux de la ville (The places of the city)


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