1) Technology and social media 2) Hobbies and Free time 3) The Impact of Video Games on Youth 4) Sports 5) Is Social Media Making Us More or Less Social? 6) Exploring the Ethics of Animal TestingPlaces: City, town, or country 7) Animals & Pets 8) Your Approach to Dealing with Conflicts or Difficult Colleagues 9) The Role of Continuous Learning in Your Career GrowthMovies 10) A Time When You Successfully Managed a Tight Deadline 11) Should Governments Censor Content on the Internet? 12) A Book or Article That Has Influenced Your Perspective 13) A Time When You Had to Persuade Others to Accept Your IdeasFuture 14) The Most Valuable Skill You Learned During Your College Years 15) Artificial Intelligence: Boon or Bane? 16) The Importance of Financial Literacy for Young Adults 17) The Pros and Cons of Online Learning 18) The Influence of Celebrities on Young People 19) How to Combat Stress in Student Life 20) The Importance of Reading in the Digital Age 21) Should Genetic Modification of Humans Be Allowed? 22) The Ethics of Privacy in the Digital Age 23) The Role of Ethics and Integrity in Your Professional Life 24) How You Handle Feedback and Constructive Criticism 25) Your Favorite Book or Movie and Why You Recommend It 26) Your Favorite Subject in College and Why You Enjoyed It 27) A Goal You Recently Achieved and How You Accomplished It 28) The Most Influential Person in Your Life and Their Impact on You 29) Your Perspective on Work-From-Home vs. Office-Based Work Arrangements 30) Your Perspective on the Future of Your Industry or Field

ROULETTE - Speaking Test Beginner to Advanced


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