1) What is the meaning of Al-Humazah? a) Arrogance b) Backbiting c) Sinful 2) Which of the following is NOT an example of bad behavior? a) Lying b) Stealing c) Helping others 3) What does Surah Al-Humazah say about saying bad things behind someone's back? a) It is allowed b) It is not allowed c) It is encouraged 4) What does mocking mean? a) To praise someone b) To help someone c) To make fun of someone 5) According to Surah Al-Humazah, what will happen to those who do bad things? a) They will be punished b) They will be ignored c) They will be forgiven 6) Why should we not mock others? a) Because it is fun b) Because it is allowed c) Because it hurts others 7) What is the main theme of Surah Al-Humazah? a) Praying to Allah s.w.t b) Helping others c) Speaking and behaving kindly 8) How does Surah Al-Humazah describe people who collect wealth and think they will live forever? a) Misguided b) Happy c) Smart 9) What should we not forget while gathering wealth? a) Family b) Friends c) Allah s.w.t 10) What should we do with our wealth according to Islam? a) Keep it all to ourselves b) Spend it on bad things c) Help those in need

Tafhim: Surah Al-Humazah


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