Rootkit - A software suite designed to aid an intruder in gaining unauthorized administrative access to a computer system, Backbone - A software suite designed to aid an intruder in gaining unauthorized administrative access to a computer system, Fault management - Detects the devices that present some kind of technical fault, Cohesion - The extent to which a system unit—subroutine, program, module,component, subsystem—performs a single dedicated function., Ingestion - A process to convert extracted information to a format that can be understood by investigators See Normalization, Gateway - A device (router, firewall) on a network that serves as an entrance to another network, Release - The formal notification and distribution of an approved version See Version., Boundary - Logical and physical controls used to define a perimeter between the organization and the outside world, Median - The value in the middle of a sorted list of values or, if the number of values is even, the average of the two in the middle, Leadership - The ability and process to translate organizational vision into desired behaviors that are followed at all levels of the extended enterprise,

CISA - 18/7/24


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