Guess what! - A phrase used to prompt someone to try to guess something surprising or exciting., A TV crew - A group of people who work together to produce television programs., Wildlife - Animals and plants that live and grow in natural conditions., A wildlife park - A large area where animals live in their natural environment and can be observed by people., Litter - Waste or trash that is left lying in an open or public place., To damage - To harm or spoil something., The environment - The natural world, including the land, air, and water, in which people, animals, and plants live., A rubbish dump - A place where waste or garbage is taken and left., To look upset - To appear distressed or unhappy., To check something - To examine or inspect something to ensure it is correct or in good condition., Pollution - The presence of harmful substances in the environment., To be in danger - To be in a situation where harm or damage is likely., To clean up - To make a place neat and free of dirt or mess., A planet - A large celestial body that orbits a star, such as Earth., A swimming pool - A large container filled with water for people to swim in., A police station - A building where officers of law work and where people can report crimes., A computer room - A room equipped with laptops and other similar devicesfor people to use., A post office - A place where mail is sent, received, and sorted., A duck pond - A small body of water where birds live and swim., A litter bin - A container for people to throw away trash., To pick up - To lift something from a lower position to a higher one., A playground - An outdoor area where children can play, usually with swings, slides, and other equipment., Beautiful - Pleasing to the senses or mind, especially visually attractive., An eco home - A house designed to be environmentally friendly and sustainable., To harm something - To cause damage or injury to something., Alternative energy - Energy generated in ways that do not deplete natural resources or harm the environment, such as solar or wind power., Fossil fuels - Natural fuels formed from the remains of ancient plants and animals, such as coal, oil, and natural gas., Coal - A black or brownish-black hard substance within the earth that is used as a fuel., Oil - A thick, dark liquid derived from petroleum, used as fuel and in making various products., To use up - To consume or exhaust a resource completely., Planet's resources - Natural materials and energy sources found on a planet., To produce - To create, make, or manufacture something., Dangerous gases - Harmful gases that can cause injury, illness, or environmental damage., A beam - A long, sturdy piece of wood or metal used in construction to support weight., Mud - Soft, wet earth or clay., A skylight - A window set in a roof or ceiling to allow natural light to enter., A solar panel - A device that converts sunlight into electricity., Electricity - A form of energy resulting from the movement of charged particles., A spring - A natural source of water that flows from the ground., To save energy - To use less energy by being efficient and avoiding waste., A sailing boat - A boat propelled by sails using the wind., A greenhouse - A building made of glass or transparent material used for growing plants., A water mill - A structure that uses a water wheel to generate power or grind grain., Technology - The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes., Alaska - The largest and most northern state of the United States, known for its cold climate and natural beauty., A waterfall - A place where water flows over a vertical drop or cliff., A rock pool - A small pool of water among rocks, typically along a coastline., A sand dune - A hill or ridge of sand piled up by the wind., A mountain range - A series of connected mountains., A car park - An area or building where cars can be parked., A compost bin - A container where organic waste is placed to decompose into compost., A water butt - A container for collecting and storing rainwater., A vegetable patch - A small garden area where vegetables are grown., An electric car - A vehicle powered by electricity instead of gasoline or diesel.,

FF5 Unit 4 - vocabulary (definitions)


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