DNA - Long molecule coiled into a double helix shape , Gene - A segment of DNA that codes for one protein that determines one trait, Nucleotides - Building blocks of DNA: each one contains a sugar, phosphate, and base, Chromosomes - Coiled up bundles of DNA found inside the nucleus of every cell, Triplet - A series of 3 bases that codes for one particular amino acid, DNA Sequence - The order of bases along a gene that codes for which trait gets made, Amino Acid - Building blocks of proteins, Protein - Large molecule that makes a trait eg. human growth hormone, Heritable Trait - Traits that are coded for in DNA and can be passed to the next generation, Nucleus - Small compartment inside a cell that houses the DNA, Cell - Smallest units of life, Complimentary Base Pairing - A pairs with T and G pairs with C, Double Helix - Shape of a DNA molecule - two complimentary strands that coil together, Homologous Chromosomes - Pairs of chromosomes that have the same genes on them, Maternal Chromosome - A chromosome inherited from your mum, Paternal Chromosome - A chromosome inherited from your dad, Alleles - Different variations of the same gene eg. blue eye colour, brown eye colour, Dominant Allele - The version of a gene that gets made even if you only have one copy of it eg. Bb makes Brown eyes, Recessive Allele - The version of a gene that gets made only if you do NOT have the dominant allele as well eg. bb makes blue eyes,

Genetics Terms 1



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