1) There were ___ days below zero last winter. a) fewer b) less 2) I drank ___ water than she did. a) fewer b) less 3) People these days are buying ___ newspapers. a) fewer b) less 4) I have ___ time to do this work. a) fewer b) less 5) He worked ___ hours than I did. a) fewer b) less 6) I made ___ mistakes in this test than he. a) fewer b) less 7) She should spend ___ money on stupid things. a) fewer b) less 8) There are ___ students in college this year. a) fewer b) less 9) You should eat ___ sugar. a) fewer b) less 10) You should eat ___ sweets. a) fewer b) less 11) You should eat ___ fast food. a) fewer b) less 12) Water has ___ calories than cola. a) fewer b) less 13) There are ___ cars on the roads in this small town. a) fewer b) less 14) She has ___ patience than her husband. a) fewer b) less

4B - fewer, less


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