Did you vote in the last election?, How old were you when you first voted?, What is the minimum voting age in your country?, What type of political system does your country have?, What different types of governments are there?, What does an ambassador do?, Who represents you in your local and national government?, How long is the term of elected officials in your country?, Which party is now in power in your country?, Is voting an important responsibility of a citizen?, Why do you think voting is important?, How are elections financed?, Do you think too much money is spent on campaigns?, How can campaigns be better organized?, How could elections be more representative?, What qualities are needed to be a good politician?, Do you think that many politicians are honest? Why or why not?, How old should you have to be before you become a politician?, Do you think that there are enough politicians from poorer backgrounds?, Would you make a good politician? Why or why not?, How often do you talk about politics with your friends and family?, What is your opinion about actors or actresses who run for a position in politics?, Would you vote for an actor or actress who runs for a government office? Why or why not?, Should voting be compulsory?, If you were the leader of your country right now, what would you change first?, Should governments provide free education and healthcare for all?, In general, do you think that a high or a low tax rate is better?, Should governments invest a lot in the military?, Have you ever heard of the universal basic income? Do you think it is a good idea?, Do you believe that democracy is the best form of government?, How important is it to vote in a democratic election?, Is there such a thing as a benevolent dictator?, What are some different types of governments?, What are the main political parties in the country where you live?, Does your country have a monarchy? Would you like one?, Who is the greatest political leader in the world today?, Who is the worst politician in the world right now?, Who is the greatest political leader in your country's history?, Which country do you think has the best politicians?, Do you think celebrities make good politicians?.

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