
3. клас Английски език

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Liczba wyników dla zapytania „3 клас английски”: 4 103

House (2nd grade)
House (2nd grade) Rysunek z opisami
Infinitive - Past Simple (irregular verbs)
Infinitive - Past Simple (irregular verbs) Połącz w pary
PastSimple - irregular verbs (4thgrade)
PastSimple - irregular verbs (4thgrade) Krzyżówka
Who, what, where ...?
Who, what, where ...? Dokończ zdanie
Academy Stars 5 - Unit 1 (vocabulary)
Academy Stars 5 - Unit 1 (vocabulary) Połącz w pary
Частите на речта 2. клас
Частите на речта 2. клас Posortuj
Yesterday he ........ (Past simple - regular verbs)
Yesterday he ........ (Past simple - regular verbs) Połącz w pary
Деление на числата до 1000 с едноцифрено число
Деление на числата до 1000 с едноцифрено число Odkryj karty
Антоними - 4.клас
Антоними - 4.клас Znajdź parę
Easter vocabulary
Easter vocabulary Test
Words Science 3 Unit 5
Words Science 3 Unit 5 Anagram
24 - 4 и 24 - 20
24 - 4 и 24 - 20 Test
At home /hangman/
At home /hangman/ Wisielec
Nouns Test
Easter vocabulary matching pairs
Easter vocabulary matching pairs Memory
Conditionals Połącz w pary
At home
At home Losowe karty
Too-too-moo and the giant
Too-too-moo and the giant Anagram
Sports Połącz w pary
Clothes and weather (crossword)
Clothes and weather (crossword) Krzyżówka
 Who's he? (1)
Who's he? (1) Dokończ zdanie
Fairyland 4 Unit 12
Fairyland 4 Unit 12 Anagram
Key words
Key words Połącz w pary
Fairyland 4 Unit 12 Part 1
Fairyland 4 Unit 12 Part 1 Anagram
Health remedies Unit 6 (6th grade)
Health remedies Unit 6 (6th grade) Test
Alphabet (A-P)
Alphabet (A-P) Anagram
Action and suggestions
Action and suggestions Połącz w pary
Събиране и изваждане до 5
Събиране и изваждане до 5 Posortuj
Speak out A2 Unit 1. Present simple + vocabulary
Speak out A2 Unit 1. Present simple + vocabulary Dokończ zdanie
Body parts
Body parts Połącz w pary
Prepositions (Unit 6)
Prepositions (Unit 6) Test
Fruit and vegetables 2 (Unit 6)
Fruit and vegetables 2 (Unit 6) Odwracanie kart
Past Simple - irregular verbs 4th grade
Past Simple - irregular verbs 4th grade Znajdź słowo
Speaking 4th grade
Speaking 4th grade Losowe karty
Numbers (1 to 10)
Numbers (1 to 10) Połącz w pary
Четене Koło fortuny
Alphabet words Part 2
Alphabet words Part 2 Anagram
Market products
Market products Znajdź parę
Adverbs of frequency
Adverbs of frequency Połącz w pary
Email and Internet B1 speaking questions
Email and Internet B1 speaking questions Losowe karty
He's/ She's - characters
He's/ She's - characters Test
Game Połącz w pary
Sport Połącz w pary
Me and nature
Me and nature Posortuj
Easter vocabulary easy
Easter vocabulary easy Znajdź parę
Sights matching game
Sights matching game Połącz w pary
School items
School items Memory
Say it into English. Travelling+ modals
Say it into English. Travelling+ modals Fiszki
Hard or soft "C"
Hard or soft "C" Prawda czy fałsz
Conversation questions using phrasal verbs - get
Conversation questions using phrasal verbs - get Losowe karty
Hard or soft "G"
Hard or soft "G" Prawda czy fałsz
Phrasal Verbs 1 - Matching activity
Phrasal Verbs 1 - Matching activity Połącz w pary
Imagination: craft
Imagination: craft Wisielec
Past simple of the verb "to be" (1)
Past simple of the verb "to be" (1) Dokończ zdanie
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