English / ESL File pre int
Przykłady z naszej społeczności
Liczba wyników dla zapytania „english file pre int”: 10 000+
Have you ever...? - English File pre-intermediate
Koło fortuny
Personality and appearance
Znajdź parę
English File Pre-Intermediate 8b confusing verbs
Losowe karty
EF Pre Unit 2A irregular past forms
Połącz w pary
Restaurant problems - English File 3rd edition Pre-intermediate
Ustaw w kolejności
English File 3rd edition (Pre-Intermediate) - Housework
Połącz w pary
Make or do? English File 3rd edition Pre-Intermediate
Prawda czy fałsz
The English File questionanaire
Odkryj karty
English File 3rd edition Elementary Feelings
Połącz w pary
English File 3rd edition Elementary 2C
Uzupełnij zdanie
Agree or disagree? Why?
Odkryj karty
English File 3rd Elementary - Speaking Unit 11
Koło fortuny
Present Simple-questions
Losowe karty
conditional sentences
Połącz w pary
unit 3A solutions pre-int vocab
Połącz w pary
Odkryj karty
English File Pre-Intermediate_Unit 3
Odkryj karty
Third conditional - spin the wheel
Koło fortuny
What are you going to do?
Koło fortuny
Opposite verbs
Połącz w pary
Verb phrases - EF3rdE
Połącz w pary
Gerund or infinitive?
English File Intermediate Plus File 1B
Uzupełnij zdanie
English File 8A Work
Połącz w pary
English File Pre-Intermediate Discussion
Koło fortuny
English file intermediate 8B gerund or infinitive
Odkryj karty
3rd conditional speaking
Losowe karty
Speaking - unit 6a (new english file intermediate)
Odkryj karty
English File Pre-Intermediate - Verbs+Prepositions
Prawda czy fałsz
English File Pre-intermediate - Prepositions after verbs
Połącz w pary
English File 3rd Pre-Intermediate Past Perfect
Połącz w pary
EF Pre-Intermediate File 1A Questions
Prawda czy fałsz
English File Intermediate Plus File 1B
Połącz w pary
EF Pre-intermediate File 1B Grammar Present Simple
Prawda czy fałsz
unit 5E prefixes ex 4
Połącz w pary
unit 3G
Znajdź parę
Career moves Vocabulary
Jobs - English File 3rd ed
Połącz w pary
Tell or say?
Adjectives - word-building
English file pre-intermediate infinitive 7A
Losowe karty
Losowe karty
Career moves Vocabulary E
intermediate speaking review
Odkryj karty