
Klasa 3 English / ESL

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English adventure 3 u5 - słownictwo - my day
English adventure 3 u5 - słownictwo - my day Anagram
Tiger 3 Unit 3
Tiger 3 Unit 3 Połącz w pary
Gold Sparks 3 unit 3
Gold Sparks 3 unit 3 Połącz w pary
Bugs 3 unit 3 activities
Bugs 3 unit 3 activities Połącz w pary
Tiger 3 unit 1 use a computer
Tiger 3 unit 1 use a computer Połącz w pary
Tiger 3. Unit 5. A typical day
Tiger 3. Unit 5. A typical day Połącz w pary
My busy day - everyday activities BT3
My busy day - everyday activities BT3 Połącz w pary
Shine on 3 NATURE
Shine on 3 NATURE Anagram
NEA 3 Unit 2 Weather
NEA 3 Unit 2 Weather Połącz w pary
Places in town
Places in town Połącz w pary
NEA 3 Unit 6 zdania
NEA 3 Unit 6 zdania Uporządkuj
Bugs Team 3 Unit 3
Bugs Team 3 Unit 3 Uporządkuj
Tiger 3 Unit 3 Sports (pictures)
Tiger 3 Unit 3 Sports (pictures) Memory
Unit 6 Bugs team 3
Unit 6 Bugs team 3 Uporządkuj
Tiger 3 - Unit 6 - sea animals
Tiger 3 - Unit 6 - sea animals Znajdź parę
Explore Treetops 3 - Unit 2 like/don`t like
Explore Treetops 3 - Unit 2 like/don`t like Uporządkuj
Time "past"
Time "past" Koło fortuny
Have/Has Test
It has got... It hasn`t got...
It has got... It hasn`t got... Prawda czy fałsz
Incredible English 3, Unit 5: Food
Incredible English 3, Unit 5: Food Losowe karty
Tiger 3 unit 3
Tiger 3 unit 3 Przebij balon
gold sparks 3 unit 3
gold sparks 3 unit 3 Znajdź parę
Meals, days, times Gold Sparks kl. 3
Meals, days, times Gold Sparks kl. 3 Uporządkuj
Wild animals
Wild animals Znajdź słowo
NEA 3 Unit 4 - Places in town
NEA 3 Unit 4 - Places in town Znajdź parę
can/ can't
can/ can't Test
Meals Gold Sparks kl. 3
Meals Gold Sparks kl. 3 Połącz w pary
Tiger 3. Unit 5. What time is it?
Tiger 3. Unit 5. What time is it? Znajdź parę
TIGER Posortuj
Tiger 3 - unit 5 - vocabulary
Tiger 3 - unit 5 - vocabulary Połącz w pary
easy GM5! 3 U3 have/has got
easy GM5! 3 U3 have/has got Uzupełnij zdanie
Tiger 3 unit 2 ANimals
Tiger 3 unit 2 ANimals Połącz w pary
Bugs Team 3,  Unit 4. telling the time
Bugs Team 3, Unit 4. telling the time Znajdź parę
What time is it?
What time is it? Połącz w pary
Hello Explorer 3 Unit 7 Lesson 2
Hello Explorer 3 Unit 7 Lesson 2 Znajdź parę
Bugs Team 3 Shops
Bugs Team 3 Shops Znajdź parę
 HAVE / HAS got
HAVE / HAS got Teleturniej
Daily routine (klasa 3)
Daily routine (klasa 3) Koło fortuny
Wild animals 3rd grade
Wild animals 3rd grade Teleturniej
Animals body parts - adjectives
Animals body parts - adjectives Połącz w pary
Incredible English 3 Unit 8
Incredible English 3 Unit 8 Połącz w pary
Hobbies Rysunek z opisami
NEA 3 Unit 3 - Czynności
NEA 3 Unit 3 - Czynności Przebij balon
Tiger 3 Unit 3 - sports
Tiger 3 Unit 3 - sports Połącz w pary
months Test
feelings Test
Tiger 3 unit 2 complete
Tiger 3 unit 2 complete Uzupełnij zdanie
Hello Explorer 3 - UNIT 5, lesson 1
Hello Explorer 3 - UNIT 5, lesson 1 O rety! Krety!
Disney Princess Roulette - Has she got ... ?
Disney Princess Roulette - Has she got ... ? Losowe karty
Bugs Team 3 unit 5
Bugs Team 3 unit 5 Połącz w pary
Podawanie godziny
Podawanie godziny Przebij balon
Lions eat meat unit 7 english adventure 3
Lions eat meat unit 7 english adventure 3 Znajdź słowo
Tiger 3 - review units 3 - 4
Tiger 3 - review units 3 - 4 Posortuj
GMF 3 Sea animals
GMF 3 Sea animals Memory
Tiger 3 - Unit 4 - Food we like
Tiger 3 - Unit 4 - Food we like Prawda czy fałsz
Bugs Team 3 - Unit 4- Daily routines
Bugs Team 3 - Unit 4- Daily routines Połącz w pary
Shine on! 3 unit 2 - Free time (lesson 1)
Shine on! 3 unit 2 - Free time (lesson 1) Połącz w pary
Tiger 3 unit 2
Tiger 3 unit 2 Połącz w pary
Tiger 3 unit 6
Tiger 3 unit 6 Przebij balon
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