florist's - Where can Frankie buy a bouquet of beautiful red roses for Mother's Day?, greengrocer's - Where can I buy a fresh vegetables and fruit?, bookshop - Where can Julia Długoszek buy a travel guide?, newsagent's - Where can Mr Kimula buy today's issue of Newsweek?, butcher's - Where can Bruno buy sausages for breakfast?, ironmonger's - Where can Mr Sówka get some nails and a hammer?, bank - Where can President Duda get a new credit card?, post office - Where can JJ send a letter to his friend who lives in Scotland?, travel agent's - Where can I book summer holidays in Mexico?, baker's - Where can I buy some fresh bread, rolls and chocolate croissants?, clothes shop - Where can Milena buy a new leather jacket?, shoe shop - Where can Sebastian buy a new pair of Sneakers for the summer?, sports shop - Where can Mary buy a new tennis racket and a bike helmet?, electrical shop - Where can Maja buy a new phone charger and a new headphones?, hairdresser's - Where can Pola have her hair cut?, chemist's - Where can Ersula get some painkillers for her headache?, furniture shop - Where can Frank buy a new gaming chair?, stationer's - Where can Frankie buy a set of 24 colourful crayons?, cafe - Where can Mister get a strong Espresso?, fishmonger's - Where can I find some fresh salmon for my salad?, petrol station - Where can Mr Obajtek fill up his limousine?, cash machine - Where can Mr Żbikowski get some cash for his morning shopping at Biedronka?, car wash - Where can Mrs Adamek wash her car?, HELL - Where can COVID-19 go to?,

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