1) Future Simple refers to: a) future facts, requests, promises b) personal opinions c) appointments or arrangements d) spontaneous decisions e) is not used in 1st conditional 2) Future Continuous: a) describes scheduled actions b) polite requests for information about future c) predicts the present f.ex. what's happening now d) actions in progress at a specific time in future e) appointments or arrangements 3) Present Continuous: a) planned and decided events, appointments, trips etc. b) refers to timetables and emotions c) is used for future trends and temporary actions d) cannot be used in 1st conditional e) describes annoying behaviour  f) changes to Past Continuous 4) Present Simple is used to talk about: a) present actions and trends b) timetables ( of planes, buses, trains ) c) routines d) scientific facts e) actions happening now f) mental states 5) Future Perfect is used to say: a) that something will have been finished by a certain time in future b) something will be a regular routine in an undefined future 6) Past Simple  a) completed past actions b) doesn't refer to past habits c) is used in the 3rd conditional d) is used in the 2nd conditional e) changes to Present Perfect in Reported Speech f) changes to Past Perfect in Reported Speech 7) Present Perfect: a) used for an action that started at some time in the past and is still continuing now b) describes temporary emotions and habits c) can be used in 1st conditional d) can be used in 3rd conditional e) changes to Past Perfect in Reported Speech f) describes an action that is being repeated between the past and present 8) Present Simple: a) is used to talk about current trends b) is used in regular and repeated actions c) for planned and decided arrangements d) it is used for both the first and the second conditional e) it is used for both the zero and the first conditional f) changes to Past Simple in Reported Speech 9) Past Continuous: a) doesn't change to Past Perfect Continuous in Reported Speech b) describes something that was happening continuously in the past when another action interrupted it c) emphasise that something lasted for a while d) refers to a completed action or state that was happening at some point in the past e) can be used in the second conditional instead of Past Simple f) Past Continuous refers to a background action that was in progress 10) "Be going to" refers to: a) regular actions in the future b) planned actions in the future c) predictions based on evidence 11) "by the time": a) means "at some point before" b) is used in Past Perfect only c) is used in both Past Perfect and Future Perfect 12) "for" a) is used in Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous b) "for" can be used when talking about the past, present or future c) for = od jakiegoś okresu czasu d) for = przez jakiś okres czasu 13) used to: a) refers to any extended action or situation in the past b) describes actions or situations that were repeated again and again c) can always be replaced with would + verb 14) would + verb a) describes actions or situations that were repeated again and again b) used for any extended action or situation in the past c) can sometimes be replaced with used to 15) What is the difference between Present Perfect Simple and Present Perfect Continuous? a) No difference in meaning but in the construction b) always different meaning and construction c) present perfect simple focuses on the result of the activity d) present perfect continuous focuses on the activity itself e) sometimes no difference in meaning

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