1) During what decade did the majority of the Great Depression occur? a) 1910's b) 1920's c) 1930's d) 1940's 2) What event is generally considered to be the start of the Great Depression? a) Dust Bowl b) Prohibition c) Stock Market Crash d) New Deal 3) Who was president of the United States at the start of the Great Depression? a) Herbert Hoover b) Harry Truman c) Woodrow Wilson d) Franklin D. Roosevelt 4) What caused the Great Depression? a) Drought b) Overproduction of goods c) Stock speculation d) Consumer debt e) All of the above 5) What president was elected when he promised Americans a 'New Deal'? a) Herbert Hoover b) Harry Truman c) Woodrow Wilson d) Franklin D. Roosevelt 6) What was the 'New Deal'? a) A radio show put on by the president b) A series of laws and programs to help end the Great Depression c) The name of the Federal Bank d) The name of a popular wrestler 7) Around how many banks failed during the Great Depression? a) 7 b) 19 c) 128 d) 1,000 e) 11,000 8) Where did many migrant workers from the Dust Bowl in the Midwest migrate to? a) California b) New York c) Florida d) Texas 9) What were the shanty towns where many homeless lived called during the Great Depression? a) Roosevelt Towns b) Cardboard Cities c) Hoovervilles d) Herbertlands 10) What event brought an end to the Great Depression? a) Korean War b) World War I c) Cold War d) World War II

Great Depression Maze Race

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