
2-й класс Module 8 stl2

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Match up M8 StL2
Match up M8 StL2 Associação
05 Anagrama
11 Estoura balões
04 Questionário
A/An 01
A/An 01 Questionário
10 Imagem com legenda
Numbers 11-20 Wordsearch
Numbers 11-20 Wordsearch Caça-palavras
12 Estoura balões
Numbers 11-20
Numbers 11-20 Avião
0-20 Anagram
0-20 Anagram Anagrama
Wordsearch M8 StL2
Wordsearch M8 StL2 Caça-palavras
Hangman M8 StL2
Hangman M8 StL2 Jogo da forca
01 Cartas aleatórias
Spotlight 5 Module 8b Food & drinks WITH CLUES
Spotlight 5 Module 8b Food & drinks WITH CLUES Anagrama
Spotlight 5 Module 8b Food & drinks WITH CLUES
Spotlight 5 Module 8b Food & drinks WITH CLUES Anagrama
Match up 1-20
Match up 1-20 Associação
Spotlight 6 Module 8b Places in town
Spotlight 6 Module 8b Places in town Questionário
Spotlight 5 Module 8b Extra words
Spotlight 5 Module 8b Extra words Questionário
Rainbow English 2 Step 8
Rainbow English 2 Step 8 Anagrama
Spotlight 4 3b
Spotlight 4 3b Encontre a combinação
have to ' has to
have to ' has to Questionário
Spotlight 4 3a
Spotlight 4 3a Questionário ganhe ou perca
Food Containers
Food Containers Questionário
Spotlight 4 3a
Spotlight 4 3a Questionário
Spotlight 4 3a
Spotlight 4 3a Associação
Spotlight 3 3b
Spotlight 3 3b Associação
Spotlight 4 3b
Spotlight 4 3b Questionário
to be (am/is/are)
to be (am/is/are) Questionário
Комарова _2_School things  _5_(41-44)
Комарова _2_School things _5_(41-44) Associação
Комарова 2 класс Unit 3 Animals
Комарова 2 класс Unit 3 Animals Anagrama
Be - present
Be - present Questionário
Spotlight 5, Test 8
Spotlight 5, Test 8 Questionário
Rainbow English 2 Step 32
Rainbow English 2 Step 32 Anagrama
Rainbow English 2 Step 22
Rainbow English 2 Step 22 Anagrama
Rainbow English 2 Step 31
Rainbow English 2 Step 31 Anagrama
Rainbow English 2 Step 33
Rainbow English 2 Step 33 Caça-palavras
Rainbow English - 2 Step 15
Rainbow English - 2 Step 15 Anagrama
Rainbow English 2 Step 45
Rainbow English 2 Step 45 Encontre a combinação
Rainbow English 2 Steps 31 - 33
Rainbow English 2 Steps 31 - 33 Encontre a combinação
Rainbow English 2 Step 32 Verbs
Rainbow English 2 Step 32 Verbs Encontre a combinação
Rainbow English 2 Steps 4 - 5
Rainbow English 2 Steps 4 - 5 Associação
Rainbow English 2 Step 29 Family
Rainbow English 2 Step 29 Family Anagrama
Rainbow English 2 Step 11
Rainbow English 2 Step 11 Anagrama
Rainbow English 2 Step 10
Rainbow English 2 Step 10 Anagrama
Rainbow English 2 Step 2 Alphabet
Rainbow English 2 Step 2 Alphabet Associação
Rainbow English 2 Step 31
Rainbow English 2 Step 31 Encontre a combinação
Rainbow 2 Step 24
Rainbow 2 Step 24 Anagrama
Rainbow English 2 Step 9
Rainbow English 2 Step 9 Anagrama
Chocolate Milkshake Listening 8
Chocolate Milkshake Listening 8 Questionário
Rainbow English 2 Steps 4 - 5
Rainbow English 2 Steps 4 - 5 Encontre a combinação
Rainbow English 2 Step 33
Rainbow English 2 Step 33 Anagrama
Rainbow English 2 Step 31
Rainbow English 2 Step 31 Cartas aleatórias
Rainbow English 2 Step 29 - 31 Personal Pronouns
Rainbow English 2 Step 29 - 31 Personal Pronouns Imagem com legenda
Rainbow English - 2 Steps 17 - 19
Rainbow English - 2 Steps 17 - 19 Anagrama
Spotlight 4 3a I am working at...
Spotlight 4 3a I am working at... Roleta aleatória
What's the weather like?
What's the weather like? Desembaralhe
Animals Jogo da forca
Starlight 5 2a
Starlight 5 2a Questionário
Starlight 5 2a
Starlight 5 2a Associação
Вставь пропущенное слово В1,2
Вставь пропущенное слово В1,2 Complete a frase
Restaurar arquivo salvo automaticamente: ?