
9 13 academy stars 2

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Can TRUE or FALSE (animals)
Can TRUE or FALSE (animals) Questionário
our/their/your Game show de TV
I/ They do/don't
I/ They do/don't Questionário
Quiz can/can't
Quiz can/can't Questionário
I can / I can't
I can / I can't Cartas aleatórias
our/their Questionário
My/her/his/its/our/their Questionário
my, her, his, its
my, her, his, its Associação
His/Her/My/Your Questionário
Numbers teen-ty
Numbers teen-ty Associação
Can/can't (dialogues)
Can/can't (dialogues) Complete a frase
There are some/ There aren't any
There are some/ There aren't any Questionário
cr, dr, gr words
cr, dr, gr words Cartas aleatórias
AS2 unit 9 words
AS2 unit 9 words Combine os pares
AS2 unit 9
AS2 unit 9 Caça-palavras
AS 2 Unit 6 Voc.
AS 2 Unit 6 Voc. Questionário
was were weren't wasn't
was were weren't wasn't Verdadeiro ou falso
Were you? and short answers
Were you? and short answers Abra a caixa
This, that, these, those
This, that, these, those Questionário
There are/aren't + some/any
There are/aren't + some/any Verdadeiro ou falso
There is/are some/any/a
There is/are some/any/a Desembaralhe
Academy Stars Unit 5.6 Language in Use (2)
Academy Stars Unit 5.6 Language in Use (2) Desembaralhe
Have - has
Have - has Questionário
Present Simple for Academy Stars 2
Present Simple for Academy Stars 2 Questionário
Whose _____
Whose _____ Abra a caixa
Academy Stars 2 Lesson 1 Meet the Academy Stars
Academy Stars 2 Lesson 1 Meet the Academy Stars Questionário
Academy Stars vocabulary 2
Academy Stars vocabulary 2 Roleta aleatória
Let's Look Inside
Let's Look Inside Questionário com imagens
words AS2 p 113
words AS2 p 113 Anagrama
Our things (p. 30)
Our things (p. 30) Cartas aleatórias
Day activities
Day activities Encontre a combinação
cr, gr, dr words (quiz)
cr, gr, dr words (quiz) Questionário
Academy stars starster unit 2
Academy stars starster unit 2 Anagrama
Unit 4. Out and about. WB p38. ex 2.
Unit 4. Out and about. WB p38. ex 2. Questionário
Be, have got
Be, have got Questionário
Do you like?
Do you like? Roleta aleatória
Academy Stars 1 Unit 2 memo2
Academy Stars 1 Unit 2 memo2 Combine os pares
Academy stars
Academy stars Roleta aleatória
Academy Stars Starter Unit 2 memo
Academy Stars Starter Unit 2 memo Combine os pares
AS2 Unit 9-10
AS2 Unit 9-10 Abra a caixa
AS2 unit 9 cards
AS2 unit 9 cards Cartas aleatórias
AS2 Unit 2 vocabulary quiz
AS2 Unit 2 vocabulary quiz Questionário
Elephants AS2 WB Unit 1.7
Elephants AS2 WB Unit 1.7 Complete a frase
Kangaroos AS2 Unit 1.4
Kangaroos AS2 Unit 1.4 Palavras magnéticas
AS 1 & 2 Placement test
AS 1 & 2 Placement test Questionário
Have / go / do / listen verb collocations
Have / go / do / listen verb collocations Classificação em grupos
Academy Stars 2 unit 7 grammar review
Academy Stars 2 unit 7 grammar review Complete a frase
Unit 2
Unit 2 Questionário
How food grows 2
How food grows 2 Caça-palavras
AS2 Unit 2 Vocabulary
AS2 Unit 2 Vocabulary Anagrama
Our things AS 2
Our things AS 2 Anagrama
AS2 Unit 1 Wolves
AS2 Unit 1 Wolves Verdadeiro ou falso
In the bedroom unit 9
In the bedroom unit 9 Questionário com imagens
Unit 2 Vocabulary task 1
Unit 2 Vocabulary task 1 Encontre a combinação
Unit 2 Writing
Unit 2 Writing Complete a frase
AS 2 do/don't
AS 2 do/don't Roleta aleatória
AS2 unit 6 worksheet voc 2
AS2 unit 6 worksheet voc 2 Encontre a combinação
AS2 unit 8 vocabulary quiz 2
AS2 unit 8 vocabulary quiz 2 Encontre a combinação
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