
Aged 8 10

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10.000+ resultados para "aged 8 10"

English World 1_Unit 2
English World 1_Unit 2 Desembaralhe
Academy Stars 5 Unit 8 Synonyms
Academy Stars 5 Unit 8 Synonyms Associação
FH 3_Lesson 5_Present Simple_s
FH 3_Lesson 5_Present Simple_s Classificação em grupos
English World 1_Unit 1_Colours
English World 1_Unit 1_Colours Encontre a combinação
Fly High 3_Lessons 1-4
Fly High 3_Lessons 1-4 Questionário
FH 3_Lesson 18
FH 3_Lesson 18 Desembaralhe
English World 1_What's the weather like?
English World 1_What's the weather like? Questionário com imagens
FH 4_Lesson 29
FH 4_Lesson 29 Caça-palavras
Fly High 3_Lesson 14
Fly High 3_Lesson 14 Desembaralhe
FlyHigh 3_Present Progressive
FlyHigh 3_Present Progressive Questionário
FlyHigh 3_Reading_A week in New York
FlyHigh 3_Reading_A week in New York Combine os pares
FH 3_Lesson 1_Grammar
FH 3_Lesson 1_Grammar Desembaralhe
FH 4 Past Simple_Revision
FH 4 Past Simple_Revision Questionário
Present Simple/Present Cont
Present Simple/Present Cont Questionário
Irregular verbs. Spotlight 4.
Irregular verbs. Spotlight 4. Associação
AS1 U8 Clothes
AS1 U8 Clothes Anagrama
Numbers 10-100
Numbers 10-100 Combine os pares
degree of comparison
degree of comparison Desembaralhe
Go Getter 3_Unit 8.4
Go Getter 3_Unit 8.4 Questionário
GG 1 Unit 3.1
GG 1 Unit 3.1 Associação
Have got/has got quiz
Have got/has got quiz Game show de TV
Numbers 10-100 Extra
Numbers 10-100 Extra Caça-palavras
Questions Time_YL_3-6
Questions Time_YL_3-6 Abra a caixa
Irregular verbs Fly High 3
Irregular verbs Fly High 3 Associação
Непроизносимые согласные
Непроизносимые согласные Acerte as toupeiras
GW A2 U5 Warm up
GW A2 U5 Warm up Abra a caixa
shapes 2d grade
shapes 2d grade Roleta aleatória
FH 3_Lessons 20-23_Irregular Verbs
FH 3_Lessons 20-23_Irregular Verbs Combine os pares
Have got/haven't got
Have got/haven't got Abra a caixa
Transport Associação
FlyHigh 3_Question words 3
FlyHigh 3_Question words 3 Questionário
FH 4_Hurricanes_Spelling
FH 4_Hurricanes_Spelling Anagrama
FlyHigh 3_Question Words 2
FlyHigh 3_Question Words 2 Questionário
Some/Any Questionário
AS2 U6
AS2 U6 Vire as peças
Some/any SM3
Some/any SM3 Questionário
Santa questions PrSimple
Santa questions PrSimple Cartas aleatórias
FlyHigh 3_Adjectives_Review
FlyHigh 3_Adjectives_Review Questionário
Go Getter (1) 6.2 Present Simple
Go Getter (1) 6.2 Present Simple Questionário
What is it made of?
What is it made of? Questionário
FH 3_Lessons 21_23_Vocabulary
FH 3_Lessons 21_23_Vocabulary Combine os pares
FlyHigh 3 Lesson Our beautiful world
FlyHigh 3 Lesson Our beautiful world Associação
FlyHigh3_People in my community
FlyHigh3_People in my community Associação
FlyHigh 3 Lesson 28
FlyHigh 3 Lesson 28 Associação
KB2 Unit 10 test act.2
KB2 Unit 10 test act.2 Questionário
FlyHigh 3 People in my community
FlyHigh 3 People in my community Desembaralhe
FH 4_Lesson 14_Grammar
FH 4_Lesson 14_Grammar Questionário
FH 4_Adverbs_Frequency
FH 4_Adverbs_Frequency Desembaralhe
GoGetter1 6.1
GoGetter1 6.1 Vire as peças
Look 3 - function - Dates - Cardinal Numbers
Look 3 - function - Dates - Cardinal Numbers Anagrama
AUTUMN Jogo da forca
Go Getter (1) 6.1
Go Getter (1) 6.1 Flashcards
Numbers: 20 to 100
Numbers: 20 to 100 Associação
 Oxford Phonics World 1
Oxford Phonics World 1 Questionário
Pos + ing|to
Pos + ing|to Complete a frase
EW 1_Unit 3_Grammar a/ an
EW 1_Unit 3_Grammar a/ an Verdadeiro ou falso
Numbers: 20 to 100 - crossword
Numbers: 20 to 100 - crossword Palavras cruzadas
the five senses
the five senses Questionário
Market/Supermarket Imagem com legenda
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