Did you travel last year?, What was your greatest act of courage?, Did you find it easy or difficult to adapt to online lessons?, Did you study more ou less during the pandemic?, Have you ever won a contest?, Have you ever seen the same movie more than three times?, Have you ever sung or danced in front of a lot of people?, Have you ever fallen in love?, Have you ever been in radio or TV?, Have you ever stayed on your pajamas all day long?, Have you ever met a famous person?, Who was your first crush?, What was the last real difficult thing you had to do?, When was the last time you went to the cinema?, Who was your childhood best friend?, Did you study hard last year?, Who was your first crush?, Where did you live as a child?, How long have you studied here?, How long have you lived in your present home?, What is the longest trip you have taken?, What is the best place you have traveled to?.


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