1) Obama ... several books. a) published b) has published 2) Obama has published several books. Do we know when? a) Yes b) No 3) When we don't know when something happened in the past, we usually use the... a) Past simple b) Present perfect 4) In 2008, Obama ... a book for his two daughters. a) has written b) wrote 5) In 2008, Obama wrote a book for his two daughters. Do we know when? a) Yes b) No 6) So, when we know when something happened in the past, we usually use the... a) Past simple b) Present perfect 7) We also use the Present perfect when we talk about something that is... a) still important in the present b) not important in the present 8) We use the Past simple to talk about the life of someone who is... a) still living b) now dead 9) Is there always a date when we use the Past simple? a) Not necessarily b) Yes, absolutely!

Present perfect v Past simple


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