Militarism: Britain’s Royal Navy contained large numbers of battleships, aircraft carriers, and submarines., Japan’s industry was heavily focused on increasing their supply of pistols, grenades, and machine guns., Germany was incredibly effective in this cause because of extensive training of troops, armaments, and fighting spirit., Alliances: The United States had a program called Lend-Lease which allowed Britain to gain the necessary materials to defend itself against Germany and the Soviet Union., Stalin and Hitler provided each other with resources., Since France fell to Germany early in the war, the United States, Canada, and Britain decided to storm the beaches of Normandy, France to free their friend., Imperialism: Mussolini invaded Ethiopia in 1935 with the intent to take over as a way to provide jobs and mineral resources during the Great Depression., Since Japan lacked natural resources, successfully occupying Manchuria would provide Japan with much needed oil, rubber, and lumber., Before World War II began, Hitler annexed Austria so he had more German-speaking supporters under his rule., Nationalism: Hitler’s education program was called the Nazi Youth, which taught children to thoroughly love Germany., Stalin was against Kulaks mainly because Kulaks did not wholeheartedly support Stalin’s Communist regime, which he thought was better than any other nation., Emperor Hirohito of Japan believed his people were chosen by a divine power (kamis) to be protected and he took it upon himself to do away with European colonization, since this ideology was seen as inferior.,


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