______ (expensive) restaurant you visited, ______ (embarrassing) moment of your life, ______ (popular) with tourists place in your country, ______ (good) thing about learning English, Your ______ (favourite) type of music, ______ (tasty) meal you ate, Your ______ (young) family member, ________ (interesting) exhibition you visited, _______ (long) time you waited at the train station or at an airport, _____ (good) shopping you had, ______ (long) time you were without sleeping, ______ (hot) place you visited, ______ (famous) person you met, ______ (big) crowd of people you saw, ______ (bad) film you saw, ______ (expensive) thing you bought, ______ (difficult) exam you took, ______ (difficult) journey you had, ______ (cold) place you visited, ______ (good) book you read, ______ (nice) hotel you stayed in, ______ (dangerous) place you visited, ______ (happy) day of your life, ______ (bad) thing about learning English, ______ (bad) weather you saw.


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