Can I have ____ orange? Do you want ____ fish? I usually have ____ egg for breakfast. I don't eat ____ meat. We always have ____ tomatoes for dinner. Today I had ____ banana and ____ apple. I'd love to eat ____ vegetables! I don't want ____ fruit. Do you want ____ sandwich? Do you have ____ apples? Do you want ____ water? I don't have ____ grapes. I don't want ____ juice. I have ____ questions for you. I don't see ____ cars. Is there ____ milk in the fridge? There are ____ books on the shelf. There isn't ____ water in the glass. Would you like ____ tea? Did you see ____ children in the playground? I can see ____ drink. I can see ____ drinks. Do you have ____ drinks? I don't have ____ drinks. Would you like ____ drinks? I can see ____ orange. I can see ____ oranges. Do you have ____ oranges? I don't have ____ oranges. Would you like ____ oranges? I can see ____ bread. Do you have ____ bread? I don't have ____ bread. Would you like ____ bread?


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