1) How many species of kangaroos are there in Australia? a) 30 b) 40 c) 50 d) 60 2) Which sport is the most popular in Australia? a) football b) cricket c) golf d) baseball 3) When does school start in Australia? a) In September. b) In June. c) In February. d) In January. 4) When does school end in Australia? a) In June. b) In March. c) In October. d) In December. 5) What is the biggest city in Australia? a) Sydney b) Melbourne c) Canberra d) Washington 6) What is the capital of Australia? a) Melbourne b) Sydney c) Canberra d) Perth 7) Australia is both _________ and ___________. a) lake and sea b) country and continent c) island and mountain d) capital city and country 8) What do people often call Australia? a) "Land up and down" b) "Land down and happy" c) "Land under the sea" d) "Land down under" 9) What language do people in Australia speak? a) Australian b) Austrian c) English d) German 10) These are Australian animals: a) a wolf, a fox, a dolphin b) a dingo, an ostrich, a kookaburra c) an elephant, a parrot, a cow d) a bear, a squirrel, a hedgehog 11) Opera House is in... a) Canberra. b) Sydney. c) New Zealand. d) Tasmania. 12) The flag of Australia has got... a) a kangaroo on it. b) an eagle on it. c) a smaller UK flag in the corner. d) circles and squares. 13) Kookaburra is a .... a) strange dance in Australia. b) bird that lives only in Australia. c) type of an instrument. 14) A traditional wooden instrument from Australia is .... a) a didgeridoo. b) a doodle c) a dingo d) a kookaburra. 15) Koala's eat ... a) small animals and insects. b) milk. c) fish. d) gum tree leaves.


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