1) As She told me the story......., tears up in her eyes. a) Raised b) Mounted c) Welled d) Filled 2) The news of the attack left us completely....... a) Stunned b) Stirred c) Moved d) Upset 3) His mother....into a rage when she heard what he'd done. a) Rushed b) Soared c) Flew d) Fell 4) His educational theories are hotly....... a) Contested b) Perceived c) Received d) Disapproved 5) Social differences tend to be......when private and state schools exist side by side. a) Raised b) Augmented c) Added d) Elevated 6) The new teacher soon.....to grips with the discipline problem in class. a) Went b) Set c) Put d) Came 7) Fiona didn't lie, but she did give rather a ..............picture of the situation. a) Defaced b) Disfigured c) Disguised d) distorted 8) It's a .......conclusion that Sally will get into university. a) Guaranteed b) Foregone c) Foolproof d) Granted 9) The speech was proving rather............, and the audience were yawing. a) Strenuous b) Tedious c) Loquacious d) Arduous 10) Thanks to generous support from parents, the threat of the college being closed down has now....... a) Retreated b) Revised c) Retired d) Receded


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