1) The panda is ... than the butterfly a) smaller b) bigger c) biggest d) lighter 2) The cow is ... than the elephant a) heavier b) slower c) smallest d) lighter 3) The whale is the... a) cutest b) smaller c) biggest d) slower 4) The shark is as ... as the whale. a) cute b) long c) pretty d) ugly 5) The bee is the... a) smallest b) lighter c) prettiest d) most famous 6) The squid isn't as ... as the seal a) long b) longer c) longest d) more long 7) The hippopotamus ... as heavy as the monkey a) isn't b) is not c) is d) both a and b 8) My computer is the... a) slow b) fastest c) fast d) slower 9) The students are ... than the teacher a) younger b) older c) heavier d) faster 10) Billie Eilish is the ... a) famouser b) famousest c) most famous d) as famous as


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