Present Simple / Affirmative: John is a nice boy, We are friends., I am a teacher., You are students., Maria and I like pizza., Ana and Sofia play cards., James rides his bike everyday., Chris sleeps at 10PM, Dogs run in the park., I work every day., Present Continuous / Affirmative: Fernando is having a shower, Sofia is talking to her friend., Peter is playing videogame, The teacher is preparing a lesson., Maria is watching TV., Ana and Natan are studying a lot., We are doing a research., Jen is making a cake., Lorena is drinking water., They are traveling to Europe., Present Simple / Negative: He doesn't like to make the dinner., We don't want to sleep now., My mom isn't reading the book., My pets don't like to be outside., She isn't friendly., We don't walk home., I am not your mother., London isn't near hear., Dragons aren't real., My computer isn't fast., Present Continuous / Negative: I am not paying attention., He isn't studying to the test., My father isn't preparing the dinner., We aren't traveling this weekend., Peter isn't working too much., He isn't wearing a mask., They aren't playing football., We aren't eating meat., My computer isn't working., It isn't raining today.,


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