COMPLETE THE SENTENCE WITH THE WORDS GIVEN(ONE WORD IS NOT USED) NEGATIVE,SUBTRUCT MULTIPLY,QUARTER:if you____120 times 2 you get 240.if you____ 12 to 10 yo get a____number, compleate with the correct answer(maths)if 60 people are in a cinema and 12 have to leave what is the porcantage of people that are in the cinema a:23% b:20% c:35%, change the sentene into the passive:carla drove ana to the theatre , add tion-sion or ment to each world(one noun is repeted) a.improve b.progress c.divide d.pronounce, rewrite the sentence using have/get something down.A friend is going to fix my laptop soon, find the countable and uncuntable nouns in the sentences.I have a lot of work to do----my grandfather painted many works of art..


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