1) Jonh is ___________ than David a) Tall b) Taller c) More taller d) talled e) Tallet f) tablet 2) Activity 1 is ___________ than activity 2 a) More easier b) More difficult c) bigger d) better e) smaller f) flash drive 3) I have _________ laptop a) a b) an c) some d) any e) a lot of f) much 4) James has ___________ flash drives a) an b) a c) any d) some e) a lot of f) many 5) The laptop doesn't have ___________ memory a) much b) any c) some much d) a e) an f) any more 6) The Taj Mahal is ____________________ monument in India a) The most beautiful b) The famous c) The most famous d) The most big e) The worst f) The prettiest 7) This is ____________ present I could get a) the cooliest b) The nicest c) the nice d) the biggest e) The most beautiful f) The very beautiful 8) He likes to listen to ___________ songs a) the saddest b) the sad c) the bad d) The pretty e) The best f) the happy 9) Some people say Brazil is _____________ country in the world a) The most sad b) the bad c) the most beautiful d) the  biggest e) the die f) the happy 10) The English test was ___________ of all a) The easiest b) The essiest c) the esiest d) the easy e) the happy f) the cry


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