1) A person who wants to do something and does not let anyone stop him/her from doing it is... a) determined b) selfless c) altruistic d) fearless 2) A person who feels confident about him/herself is... a) determined b) humble c) thoughtful d) self-assured 3) A person who is modest is... a) honest b) humble c) trustworthy d) fearless 4) A person that you can trust and count on is... a) nice b) reliable c) caring d) altruistic 5) A person who is fearless is ... a) fearful b) courageous c) strong-willed d) selfless 6) A person who is nice and kind to others is ...  a) altruistic b) self-assured c) caring d) warm-hearted 7) A person who is honest is ... a) truthful b) altruistic c) trustworthy d) confident 8) A person who puts others ahead of him/her is... a) truthful b) fearless c) selfless d) confident 9) A person who is innocent. a) fearless b) truthful c) confident d) naive 10) A person having good sense or reason, rational. a) confident b) fearless c) sensitive d) sensible 11) A person who is easily offended or upset. a) sensible b) sensitive c) altruistic d) reasonable

Personality adjectives


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