1) Show pictures and find out what learners know about the topic. a) to build on learners' knowledge of the world b) to contextualise the topic c) to appeal to reflective learners 2) Learners brainstorm vocabulary connected with a familiar topic. a) to revise lexical sets from previous lessons b) to encourage autonomous learning c) to lead-in to a text 3) Learners label a time line on the whiteboard. a) to help learners discover a grammar rule b) to clarify meaning c) to appeal to all learning styles 4) Ask concept questions about time and tense. a) to make sure that learners have understood a new language item b) to give examples of different exponents of language c) to help learners notice the use of language 5) Do a substitution drill, changing subject pronoun and verb. a) to give learners restricted practice b) to practise interactive strategies c) to practise word order 6) Role-play a written dialogue in open pairs, then in closed pairs. a) to give learners opportunities for fluency practice b) to give learners guided practice c) to develop learner's confidence about speaking in English 7) Learners write, then perform their own dialogues. a) to give learners integrated skills practice b) to give learners an opportunity to recycle language c) to give learners practice in process writing

Procedures and stage aims. Mark the letter which is NOT! appropriate on your answer sheet


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