1) Where are you from? a) I’m 11 years old. b) My birthday is on the 6th of November. c) I’m from Poland. d) My best friend is Anna. 2) When is your birthday? a) I’m 11 years old. b) My best friend is Anna. c) My dream is to be a singer. d) My birthday is on the 6th of November. 3) How old are you? a) My best friend is Anna. b) I’m 11 years old. c) My birthday is on the 6th of November. d) I’m from Poland. 4) Who is your best friend? a) My birthday is on the 6th of November. b) I’m 11 years old. c) I’m from Poland. d) My best friend is Anna. 5) What is your favourite colour? a) My favourite colour is black.  b) My best friend is Anna. c) My birthday is on the 6th of November. d) I’m from Poland. 6) What is your dream? a) I’m 11 years old. b) My birthday is on the 6th of November. c) My favourite colour is black.  d) My dream is to be a singer. 

SU - p.6 (g) Question Words


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