1-Noun, season of the year when students don't go to school., 2- Verb opposite of LIKE., 3- The Object Pronoun for "HE"., 4- Adjective the opposite of HOT., 5- Verb the opposite of REMEMBER., 6- Noun, first month of the year., 7- Noun, the day people celebrate Spring., 8- Verb, what the sun does., 9- Adjective, when there are clouds in the sky it's..,, 10- It's a question, synonym of what's your profession?, 11- Noun, what a housewife does at home every day., 12- Noun, second meal of the day., 13- Noun,the third day of the week., 14- Verb, to express possession., 15- Noun, your mother's daughter is your..., 16- Simple Present auxiliary verb for the pronouns HE/SHE/IT., 17- The Object Pronoun for "They"., 18- Verb, you do it at night when you want to sleep., 19- Noun, something you wear on your finger., 20- Aadjective, the opposite of rich/wealthy., -Verb, you use it with sports, musical instruments and games., Noun, Saturday and Sunday are the..., Verb, synonym of take care, be responsible for a person or animal., The possessive adjective for "I"..


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