1) Look up the sound of /er/ as ____________. a) er b) ar c) err d) ?r 2) Look up the sound of /ker/ FIRST as _____________. a) or b) ker c) k?r d) ur 3) vowel-r + /zhun/ = ______________ a) sion b) tion 4) /your/ is spelled _____________. a) our b) or c) ure d) yer 5) /sher/ is spelled ______________. a) shure b) sure c) sher d) cher 6) vowel-r + /shun/ is spelled ________________. a) tion b) sion 7) /cher/ is spelled _______________. a) chur b) ture c) cher d) sher 8) /zher/ is spelled _____________. a) sure b) zer c) sher 9) /or/ at the end of a multisyllable word is USUALLY spelled ____________. a) ore b) orr c) or 10) /erd/ at the end of a multi-syllable word is spelled ___________ AS LONG AS it doesn't come right after a W. a) erd b) ard c) ord d) urd 11) In the word "onward," is the W bossy? a) No, because it is accented b) No, because it is not accented c) Yes, because it is accented d) Yes, because it is not accented

R-Controlled Rules for Barton L. 7, Les. 7 (incl. review)


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