Canal - A path that is made through the land and filled with water so that boats can travel on it., Port - A city or town by the ocean, where ships arrive and leave., Architecture - The design or style of a building or buildings., Rickshaw - A small, light vehicle with two wheels mostly used in some Asian countries to carry passengers., Street vendor - A person who sells things on a sidewalk or street, especially in a city., Antiques - Old things that are worth a lot of money., Souvenirs - Things that you keep to remember a place or a special event., Batik - A way of printing patterns on cloth using wax on the parts that will not have color., Exotic fruits - Fruits that seem strange or interesting because they are grown in other countries., Shrimp - A small animal with a soft shell and a lot of legs that lives in the ocean. It turns pink when you cook it., Tuna - A large fish that lives in the ocean and that you can eat.,


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