1) What sort ... music do you like? a) in b) of c) with d) for e) at f) to 2) It was very nice ... him to invite us to go to the concert. a) in b) of c) with d) for e) at f) to 3) Mozart is one of the best composers ... all time. a) in b) of c) with d) for e) at f) to 4) He is popular ... teens all around the world. a) in b) of c) with d) for e) at f) to 5) Some paintings ... Congo the chimp were sold ... a lot of money ... auction. a) with / for / in b) by / for / in c) by / for / at 6) Daniel Radcliffe stars ... Harry Potter films. a) in b) of c) with d) for e) at f) to 7) He is famous ... his landscapes. a) in b) of c) with d) for e) at f) to 8) The paintings add value ... the house. a) in b) of c) with d) for e) at f) to


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