FIRST - First, Nikola Tesla was born in 1856 in Eastern Europe. He wanted to invent things like his mom. He moved to the US in 1884., SECOND - Then, Tesla wanted to invent. He wanted to help Edison. Edison promised him $50,000, THIRD - Next, Tesla started to dig ditches as a job. He was paid $2.00. He wasn't sleeping or eating., FOURTH - After that, he joined a different company with Westinghouse. He got $1.4 million for his inventions. But Edison was lying about AC and betraying Tesla., FIFTH - Soon after that, Tesla created the first radio waves, but lost his lab by accident in a fire. So Mr. Marconi got credit for the radio., SIXTH - Finally, Nikola Tesla died in 1943. He was known as the father of the radio, but this great inventor changed the world with his many inventions.,

The Genius of Tesla - Sequence Activity


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