1) Which is the currency (monetary unit) in South Africa? a) The rand, divided into 100 cents. b) The African dollar, divided into 100 cents. c) The cedi, divided into 100 cents. 2) Which is the only English-speaking country in South America? a) Guyana b) Barbados c) Suriname 3) Which is the most popular sport in Canada? a) ice hockey b) soccer c) cricket 4) The words "shampoo", "coffee", and "tea" com from other languages. Which are their original languages? a) Swahili, Mandarin, and Portuguese. b) Hindi, Arabic, and Chinese. c) Japanese, French, and Vietnamese. 5) Kingston is the capital city of which country? a) South Africa b) Jamaica c) Trinidad and Tobago 6) Where is the city called 'Auckland' located? a) in England. b) in Australia. c) in New Zealand. 7) What is special about Chaucer's poems? a) They are written in Modern English. b) They are written in Middle English. c) They are written in old English. 8) Which country doesn't border Belize? a) Nicaragua b) Mexico c) Guatemala 9) What percentage of the internet is in English, approximately? a) 86% b) 92% c) 99% 10) Which country won its independence from Britain in 1957? a) Fiji b) Sierra Leone c) Ghana 11) According to the US Census, how many languages are spoken in the United States? a) Over 300 b) Under 300 c) About 200 12) Which language besides English is spoken in Canada? a) Spanish b) French c) Hindi




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