1) Choose the right option: a) branches b) roots c) flowers d) roots 2) Do Conifer trees have needles? a) Yes b) No 3) What fruits grow on trees? a) apples, watermelons and bananas b) bananas, oranges and blueberries c) oranges, strawberries and apples d) apples, oranges and bananas 4) We can use rubber to make what: a) paper b) car tires c) crayons d) tables 5) We can use wood for many things. Which one is not right? a) tables and paper b) toys and fire c) homes and cell phones d) homes and pencils 6) How can we tell the age of a tree? a) By the roots b) By the branches c) By the leaves d) By the rings 7) What is the right order, from bottom to top: a) roots, branches, trunk, leaves b) roots, trunk, branches, leaves c) leaves, branches, trunk, roots d) roots, trunk, leaves, flowers 8) What is the food of a tree? a) seed b) fire c) light d) nuts 9) What is necessary to make food for a tree? a) water, air and light b) water, air and snow c) juice, air and light d) water and light 10) Why are the trees good for us? a) Make fruits b) Clean the air c) We can play on the trees d) All 3 options 11) Do trees protect animals from the wind and rain? a) Yes b) No 12) What can we do to the trees? a) Cut down b) Make the air dirty c) Protect and grow trees d) Burn


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