1) Talk about what makes you feel afraid. 2) Talk about what makes you feel angry. 3) Talk about what makes you feel annoyed 4) Talk about what makes you feel bored 5) What makes you feel calm? 6) when was the last time you were very surprised? tell us what happened. 7) what makes you feel confident? 8) what makes you feel confused 9) Talk about something that you feel curious about 10) Does having money in your bank account make you feel happy? 11) when was the last time you were very disappointed and why? 12) have you ever been embarrassed? what happened? 13) what makes you feel excited to wake up in the morning? 14) Do you think animals have emotions? 15) when was the last time you felt frustrated and why? 16) What really makes you happy? 17) What is jealousy to you? how do you manage this? 18) talk about a time when you feel lonely 19) Is it always good to show your emotions to other people? 20) what makes you feel stressed? 21) talk about someone you know who is always happy? 22) talk about how you felt before class 23) how does learning English make you feel?


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