1) The prefix re- means: a) again b) not c) because 2) The prefix un- means: a) again b) not c) before 3) The prefix pre- means: a) not b) after c) before 4) Why will an author include a photograph? a) to show the reader something b) to persuade the reader to buy something c) to show the reader where something happened 5) Why will an author use subheadings? a) to give details about the section b) to give main idea of section c) to distract the reader 6) Another word for infer is: a) remember b) guess c) discuss 7) A drama/play is broken into a) chapters b) sections c) acts and scenes 8) Each new scene of a play means: a) the setting has changed b) the setting has stayed the same c) the characters in the scene are different 9) Dramas/plays use stage directions to: a) tell the reader what happens next b) tell the audience a secret c) describe the setting or tell the actors how to behave 10) If I don't know the meaning of a word, I can: a) take a lucky guess b) look it up in the dictionary c) don't worry; it's not important 11) A simile: a) compares using like or as b) describes a picture c) exaggerates 12) Alliteration: a) words that rhyme b) words that start with the same sound c) words that are spelled differently but sound the same 13) Onomatopoeia: a) rhyming words b) sound words c) misspelled words 14) Chronological orders: a) time order b) tells a problem and give a solution c) how things are alike and different 15) Cause and effect: a) cause is the why; effect is the what b) cause is the what; effect is the why c) how things are alike and different 16) First person point of view: a) I, me, my, us, we b) you, your, you're c) he, she, him, they 17) Second person point of view a) I, me, my, us, we b) you, your, you're c) he, she, him, they 18) 3rd person point of view: a) I, me, my, us, we b) you, you're, your c) he, she, him, they 19) 3rd person LIMITED: a) reader knows the thoughts of ALL characters b) reader knows the thoughts of ONE character c) reader knows the thoughts of NO characters 20) 3rd person OMNISCIENCT: a) readers know the thoughts of ALL characters b) reader knows the thoughts of ONE character c) reader knows the thoughts of NO characters



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