1) 1. A social media influencer is not someone who … a) guides the decisions of their followers. b) . is an expert in a particular area. c) pays their followers to buy products. d) has many followers who pay attention to their opinions. 2) Companies want to use influencers to help … a) sell their products to their followers. b) develop new products. c) write their blogposts d) design their websites 3) If you want to be an influencer, your bio on your social media account shouldn’t … a) say who you are. b) talk about your niche area. c) be interesting. d) be the same as other people’s bios. 4) You should make sure that you post … a) once a month. b) every day for the first month and then once a month after that. c) about similar subjects. d) about all sorts of different things. 5) You can make sure that people find your post by … a) using hashtags. b) using funny or memorable titles c) using different social media to link to your post. d) doing all of the above 6) What should the title of this blogpost be? a) Five ways to influence people b) Five ways to use influencers in marketing c) Five tips on becoming a social media influencer d) Five tips on making money as an influencer


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