1) When's your birthday? 2) Tell us 2 subjects. 3) Tell us 2 seasons. 4) Do you have science on Tuesday? 5) Where are you from? 6) Where do you go in August? 7) Where is she? 8) What do you have on Friday? 9) What's your favorite subject? 10) Tell us 2 months. 11) Tell us 2 days of the week. 12) What do you wear in January. 13) Where is she? 14) Tell us the numbers 1 to 10. 15) Tell us 3 countries in English. 16) Tell us 2 nationalities. 17) What do you eat in Summer? 18) Where do you go in July? 19) What's your favorite season? 20) Tell us 3 colors. 21) Tell us 3 animals. 22) Tell us 3 fruit. 23) What's your name? 24) How old are you? 25) Do you like chocolate? 26) Do you like broccoli?


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