1) She has a) wavy hair b) curly hair c) straight hair d) beard 2) He has a) freckles b) old c) ponytail d) blonde hair 3) he is a) fat b) old c) very young d) dark skinned 4) She has a) curly hair b) wrinkles c) freckles d) blue eyes 5) he is a) old b) fat c) white skinned d) bald 6) she has a) short, blond and wavy hair  b) long, black and straight hair c) long, blond and straight hair d) long, blond and curly hair 7) she has a) long face b) oval face c) square face d) round face 8) she has a) thin lips b) full lips c) big mouse d) large mouth 9) he has a) big ears b) beard c) long hair d) big nose 10) he has a) beard b) glasses c) moustache d) blue eyes 11) He is a) fat b) thin c) slim d) plump 12) he has a) long and blond hair b) curly and blond hair c) wavy and blond hair d) spiky and blond hair 13) he has a) big nose b) big ears c) small ears d) full lips 14) her hair is a) wavy and short b) curly and short c) wavy and long d) straight and short 15) his nose a) big b) small c) straight d) turn up 16) she is a) small b) tall c) fat d) old 17) she has a) blond and short hair b) grey and straight hair c) grey and short hair d) black and short hair 18) The man is a) fat b) well build c) slim d) thin 19) her eyes are a) hazel b) blue and small c) round and big d) green and small 20) her skin is a) olive b) dark c) white d) yellow 21) his hair is a) long, wavy and grey b) long, curly and brown c) short, straight and brown d) long, wavy and brown 22) they are a) beautiful b) handsome c) ugly d) dark skinned 23) their eyes are a) big and brown b) small and green c) round and blue d) black and oval

6A 2 Physical description 6th grade


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